Packaging and storage
Preserve in well-closed containers.
Label Solution to state the solvent used and the claimed concentration of anhydrous aluminum sesquichlorohydrate contained therein.
A solution containing the equivalent of about 100 mg of anhydrous aluminum sesquichlorohydrate per mL responds to the tests for
and for
Identification of propylene glycol (where stated on the label)Add about 10 mL of isopropyl alcohol to 2 g of Solution, mix, and filter. Evaporate the filtrate to about 1 mL on a steam bath: the IR absorption spectrum of a film of this solution on a silver chloride disk exhibits maxima only at the same wavelengths as that of a similar preparation of a film of propylene glycol.
Identification of dipropylene glycol (where stated on the label)Add about 10 mL of isopropyl alcohol to 2 g of Solution, mix, and filter. Evaporate the filtrate to about 1 mL on a steam bath: the IR absorption spectrum of a film of this solution on a silver chloride disk exhibits maxima only at the same wavelengths as that of a similar preparation of a film of dipropylene glycol.
Identification of alcohol (where stated on the label)Mix 5 drops of Solution in a small beaker with 1 mL of potassium permanganate solution (1 in 100) and 5 drops of 2 N sulfuric acid, and cover the beaker immediately with filter paper moistened with a freshly prepared solution of 0.1 g of sodium nitroferricyanide and 0.25 g of piperazine in 5 mL of water: an intense blue color is produced on the filter paper, the color becoming paler after a few minutes.
between 3.0 and 5.0, in a solution prepared by diluting 3 g of the Solution with water to obtain 10 mL.
Arsenic, Method I
Prepare the
Test Preparation using an accurately weighed quantity of the Solution. The limit is 2 µg per g.
Heavy metals, Method I
Prepare the
Test Preparation using an accurately weighed quantity of the Solution. The limit is 10 µg per g.
Limit of iron
Using Aluminum Sesquichlorohydrate Solution instead of Aluminum Chlorohydrate Solution, proceed as directed in the test for the
Limit of iron under
Aluminum Chlorohydrate Solution. The limit is 75 µg per g.
Aluminum/chloride atomic ratio
Divide the percentage of aluminum found in the test for
Content of aluminum by the percentage of chloride found in the test for
Content of chloride, and multiply by 35.453/26.98, in which 35.453 and 26.98 are the atomic weights of chlorine and aluminum, respectively: the ratio is between 1.26:1 and 1.90:1.
Calculate the percentage of anhydrous aluminum sesquichlorohydrate in the Solution by the formula:
x + [17.01(3
1)] + 35.453} / 26.98
in which
Al is the percentage of aluminum found in the test for
Content of aluminum,
x is the aluminum/chloride atomic ratio found in the test for
chloride atomic ratio, 26.98 is the atomic weight of aluminum, 17.01 is the molecular weight of the hydroxide anion (OH), and 35.453 is the atomic weight of chlorine (Cl).