Packaging and storage
Preserve in single-dose containers that are totally filled, so that any air present occupies not more than 0.5% of the total volume of the container. Store at a temperature between 2

and 8

. If there is free space above the solution, a significant amount of the xenon 133 is present in the gaseous phase. Glass containers may darken under the effects of radiation.
Label it to include the following, in addition to the information specified for
Labeling under
: the time and date of calibration; the amount of xenon 133 expressed as total megabecquerels (microcuries or millicuries), and concentration as megabecquerels (microcuries or millicuries), per mL at the time of calibration; the expiration date; the name and amount of any added bacteriostatic agent; and the statement CautionRadioactive Material. The labeling indicates that in making dosage calculations, correction is to be made for radioactive decay, and also indicates that the radioactive half-life of
133Xe is 5.24 days.
Radionuclide identification (see Radioactivity
Its gamma-ray and X-ray spectra are identical to those of a known specimen of xenon 133 that exhibits two major photopeaks having energies of 0.081 MeV and 0.031 MeV (X-ray peak).
Bacterial endotoxins
It contains not more than 175/
V USP Endotoxin Unit per mL of the Injection, when compared with the USP Endotoxin RS, in which
V is the maximum recommended total dose, in mL, at the expiration date or time.
Radionuclidic purity
Using a suitable counting assembly (see
Selection of a Counting Assembly under
), determine the radioactivity of Xe 133 in the Injection by use of a calibrated system as directed under
. The radioactivity exhibited at 0.081 MeV and 0.031 MeV is not less than 95.0% of the total radioactivity of the specimen.
Other requirements
It meets the requirements under
, except that the Injection may be distributed or dispensed prior to the completion of the test for
Sterility, the latter test being started on the day of manufacture, and except that it is not subject to the recommendation on
Volume in Container.